
Sleeping with Dad イクメン、寝かしつけ、失敗

This weekend, husband visited us after 2 weeks. I was planning to let him take care of Nano during night to have better sleep. 今週末、相方が2週間ぶりに会いに来た。私は、寝かしつけを分担してもらい、少し楽して、眠ってやろうと計画していたのだが、、、

He happily talked to Nano in the bed. 相方は、久々のナノに、うれしそうに声をかけていたが、

She asked for milk and seemed me that she was in panic. Husband said, "she was hungry" and did not noticed it. ナノの表情が固くなり、「おっぱい、おっぱい」と騒ぎだした。「おやおや、お腹が減ってるのかい?」と相方は気づいてない様子だったけど、

Then Nano became very difficult and did not sleep. I noticed that was because she was scared of husband in the bedroom where she usually slept only with me. I felt so sorry that I could not tell him. He worked hard for us during weekdays to looking forward to seeing us. 実は、ナノは「知らないおじちゃんが、寝る部屋にいる!」とパニックになって、機嫌が悪くなっていた。でも、一生懸命、ナノのために働いて、楽しみに会いに来てるのに、あまりに気の毒で、相方には言えなかった。
My plan did not work and I had to take care of much difficult Nano on weekend. そして、こんこんと眠る相方の横で、機嫌の悪い、難しーいナノの世話をして、一晩を過ごす事になったのだ。計画通りには行かないねえ。

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