
Revenge: sleeping with Daddy イクメン、寝かしつけ、リベンジ

Husband could not let Nano sleep on the first night. On next day, he watched my father(Nano's grandpa) way of letting her sleep in his arms. He had magic arms to let Nano sleep even when she asked for breastfeeding(once she started, it is soooo difficult to forget the breast). My father said, "it needs patience and time to get used to." さて、金曜日の夜の寝かしつけに失敗した相方でしたが、次の日、一生懸命、じいちゃん(うちの父親:おっぱい!と騒ぎ始めたナノを、寝かしつける事ができる、唯一の人)のやり方を見て「すごいなあ〜」と尊敬を抱き、見よう見まねで、がんばり始めた。ちなみに父曰く、「根気と慣れ」だそうです。

He tried hard to let Nano sleep. She was crying and I thought it would be so difficult and asked him, "Shall I breastfeed her?" but he answered, "it's OK." 相方は、泣いてるナノを抱っこして、寝かしつけようとがんばりはじめた。私は、「乳、飲まそうか?」と聞いたが、「いや、いい」と部屋を出ていき、

Then held her in his arms, walked around in the rooms, repeated same serenades and took time. 根気よく、同じ子守唄をくり返しながら、うろうろ歩き回り続け、、、

Nano fell asleep in his arms. He was so happy to tell me. I was proud of his patience! とうとう、寝かしつけた。達成感を感じたようだ。えらい!

On the second night, he could sleep beside Nano. Revenge succeed! そして、2日目からは、二人の間に、隣で寝ても平気な、信頼関係が、生まれたのでした〜。

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