
Chubby cheek Nano-chan シモブクレなのちゃん

Nano has chubby cheek face. My mother said that she looked like Otafuku, the traditional woman character. She was rude! But to tell the truth, I thought that she looked like Peko-chan, cake shop PR character. Both has same face shape. ナノはしもぶくれの顔をしている。母は、「お多福にそっくり」という。失礼な!でも、私は「ペコちゃんに似てるなあ」と思っている。実は、同じ顔の形なのよね。

I have base shape face and my cheek is not round and my chin is narrow. Obviously Nano resemble husband, who has rather round face. 私の顔は、ベース型で面長。顔の下部分は細くて、シモブクレには馴染みも薄い。どう見ても、ナノは相方に似たのだろう。

Every day all day long, I had been looking at her face to take care of her.  毎日、一日中ナノの世話をしていたら、、、

Then last night, I had dream that I found my face has chabby cheek in the mirror. I looked at only her face so much. とうとう、「あら、私も少し体重増えたら、シモブクレになるのね」と言って、しもぶくれになった顔を鏡で眺めている夢を見た。あまりに、ナノの顔ばっかり、毎日見てるからねえ、、、

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