
The life of a woman2  女の人生2

My mother kept saying to me, "you don't have to marry" since I was little. Her idea was that it was better not to rather than to marry to a bad man. Then she gave me bad marriage examples such as cheating husband, non-working daddy, gambling, or domestic violence. They ended up in disaster and she said, "the women's life was spoiled by bad man so easily." I do not know that this was one reason why I got late bride, but anyway, I was not so interested in marriage in my 20's. However, after I got my 30's, my mom started to say, "you'd better to have family if you can." Well,,,Could she make such a big change suddenly? Anyway, around the time, I started to feel wanting my own family, and now I am happy to have one.
I agreed to the importance of choosing right partner for the woman's life. I am not talking about Cinderella story such as "get rich man and you will have a happy life!" I think it is more like "living like as you are even with somebody." Am I influenced by mom's bad marriage example stories still?
When the girls(probably boys, too) seek their partners, they got huge influence by their parents. If their daddy was nice, gentle man, it would be their foundation to look at men. For Nano's future, I asked husband to treat me well. It is not for myself.
With Nano, every day is the battle. I have to keep Nano in my mind all the time, and always in a harry. 母親業は、せわしない。ナノがいつ泣き出すかを気にしながら、様々な事をこなしていかなければいけないからだ。

I got tired at the latter of the week by doing what I have to do every day. 普通の毎日を回して行くだけで、1日が終わって行く。大変なのに、誰にも評価されない。

One night, I was tired and just said to husband, "praise me" 週も後半になると疲れがたまってくる。ある晩、相方に、「ねえ、なんか褒めて」と言うと、

He started to praise me three things. "Kae-chan is good, because she takes care of mean difficult Nano all day. Kae-chan is good because she makes good meals even she is busy with baby. Kae-chan is good because she prepared creative unique present for my relatives." え?と少し考えていたが、「かえちゃんは、こんなにワガママなナノを一人で1日面倒見て、えらいなあ。」「かえちゃんは、ナノがいて大変なのに、毎日おいしいご飯を考えて作って、すごいなあ」「かえちゃんは、内祝いとかも、クリエイティブに用意してくれて、すごいなあ」と褒めてくれた。

Then he said, "Is it OK now?" I felt better! 「こんなもんで、いい?」と相方。なんか、気分がよくなった。

2 件のコメント:

aichael さんのコメント...

Su-san is 5 stars☆☆☆☆☆!!

にしむらかえ Kae Nishimura さんのコメント...

Try to ask Cooney-san, too.
I am interested in what he is going to say♡♡♡