
husband of a blogger ブロガーの相方

A man asked me if my husband minded about my writing about family on the blog. His opinion is that he would be upset if his wife (he's single, so his imaginative wife) wrote about him and put photos on the internet. My husband seems to be OK about it. He is a kind of looking forward to checking my blob especially when he was out of town apart from us. 先日、知人男性に「旦那さん、ブログに載せられて、嫌がらない?」と聞かれた。曰く、「俺は奥さんが載せたら、イヤだな(本人は独身なので、想像で言っている)」とのこと。実際、相方はあまり気にしてる様子はない。むしろ、ブログの定期読者の一人として、特に出張中など、楽しみにしているようだ。

My husband was checking my blog as one of fan. He read on the way home from work or on business trip. 相方は、ブログを通勤途中などに、しれっとチェックしてるようだ。

On my birthday morning, I received flower and rice cleaning machine from husband. After a while he found that I cleaned the table and set them up there. 私の誕生日に、花と精米機をプレゼントしてくれた。しばらくして、片付けたテーブルの上に、不自然に精米機と花がセッティングされてるのを見つけた相方は、

He mentioned, "I smell the blog here." Well, it was really true, and I was annoyed. 「なんか、におうぞ。ブログ行きだな」と一言。図星だけどさ〜。

This is the photo. ということで、これが写真です。

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