
Walking Bomb Nanoka 爆弾ナノちゃん

日帰り温泉に行った。ナノカは、私と入るという。We went to the hot spring. Nanoka entered to the ladies one with me.
ふくよかな中年女性を見たナノカが、大声で爆弾発言。She found a big old woman and said "That old lady looks like Sumo wrestler" very loudly.
黙っていると、大声でもう一度、「あの、おばあちゃん、お相撲さんみたいだね。どうしてだろうね」。やめて〜。I did not know what to answer, then Nanoka again said, "Mom, Look, she is like a Sumo wrestler. Why?" The bath was less people and the voice was echoing inside,,,Please stop it!
ナノカは、おばあちゃんも、お相撲さんも大好きなので、その発見に、意気揚々と発言したんだと思うんだけど、、、こどもって、おそろしい、、、Nanoka loves both old ladies and Sumo wrestler and there was no intention to hurt somebody(she must be excited to find the similarity) There are these kind of old women at least one or two in the public hot bath. Please bring Nanoka to the men's bath next time.

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