
TV Nanoka テレビなのちゃん

去年も、同じ頃、取材を受けたが、今年も、自宅に撮影隊がくる事になった。I got the same offer last year, too, but this year we will have TV crew at home.
その日は、おべんとうの日だったので、早起きして用意したが、車に乗る直前で、登園拒否。「散らかさない」「おとなしくする」のお約束をして、休園となった。しかし案の定、私のお片づけとナノカの遊びが、しばしばぶつかって、険悪な雰囲気に。Yesterday morning, Nanoka asked me to stay at home since the TV crew would come. I already made the lunch box and prepare for the school, but I allowed her promising the she would be good girl to be quiet and not messy to welcome the crew. She promised but did not act as I expected then soon we were in conflict.
そんな中、9時50分に、チャイムが鳴る。え、11時の約束だよね?1時間の勘違いだったらしく、ヨレヨレのTシャツを急いで着替える。いよいよの取材到来に、いつもは「手伝ってー」のナノカが、自分でさっとお着替えをすませ、「お迎えにいかなきゃ!」という張り切りぶり。イヤな予感がする。I expected the crew at 11am, but the bell rang at 10 minutes before 10am. What? We had micommunication and we changed quickly to let them in. Nanoka changed her dress by herself and ran to welcome them.
まずは、作業風景を撮りたいというので、ちょうど締め切り前だった雑誌の挿絵の仕事をする。その様子を見て、自分の荷物のある部屋に走り去るナノカ。First, they shot my working, so I painted some illustration job. Nanoka watched it and ran to the next room
最近、手に入れた、マイ筆箱と紙を持ってきて、お絵描き開始。どうやら、「絵を描いている姿を映すらしい」と理解して、自分もアピールに入ったようだ。 and came back with her pencil case with her drawing materials and started to draw. She understood that they shot drawing and she appealed, too.
さらに、「これは、なんの仕事ですか?」と聞かれたので、「雑誌で、わらべうたの挿絵を入れてるんですよ」と答えると、また、だっと別室に走り去り、「取れない〜」と呼ぶ声も。仕方なく、本棚から、本を取りやすいようにしてやると、、、The camera man asked me what the subjt and I explained they were illustration for magazine article about traditional kids songs. She ran to the next room again and called my help. She needed help to pull the book.
しばらくして、絵本を手にしたナノカが現れ、「うーえーみーれば、ゆっきっこ♪」と、わらべうたを、歌い始めた。おいおい。でも、よく、聞いてるなあ、、、Soon she came back and started to sing the traditional kids songs. Blushed,,,
さて、今回は、朗読が主なので、一冊、読み聞かせることに。その間は、とても、おとなしく、聞いていたが、、、This time, I read through my book. She was quiet through the book,
タイトルコールだけ、あとから、撮り直そうとすると、べったりくっついて、邪魔を始めた。but when they shot the title only again, she hugged me and bothered. 

ていねいに頼んで、もう一度、やり直すが、カメラの度真ん前に座り、邪魔をする。わざと?I asked her to be listener in flont of me, then she sat between me and camera to block shooting. Intentionally?
そして、「おなか、すいたー」くしくも、お弁当を作ってあったので、「食べていいよ」と言うと、取材陣の前で、ぱかっと開けて、一人でもりもり食べ始めた。自由な人、、、Then she said, "I am hungry!" I said "Eat lunch box" then she started to eat lunch in front of the crew. She was so free.
まあ、でも、なんとか無事に終わり、クルーが帰っていった。その後も、楽し過ぎたのか、ずーっとハイで、遊び続けていた。ママは、昼寝がしたいよ。It was over. Nanoka kept excited even after their leaving. 
I told husband what happened, and husband asked me, "what is Nanoka's explanation about breaking promise?" but I think Nanoka even did not think she had broken ones. She just acted as she feels at that moment. Now I saw kid's nature.
I did not understand why Nanoka wanted to be shot by TV. Usually when we found the camera at the Fes or something, she was too shy to be close. Maybe she wanted to compete to me?

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