
satisfaction 満たされた気持ち

When I got pregnant, I was a little afraid of having children. I had wanted one for a long time and I loved kids all the time, at the same time, I did not have enough confident to be a good mother. I had been a free single for a long time. Like "a giving tree", once becoming parents, they are the people who give give give. "Can I just be a giver?" I wondered. Now I have one, I noticed one fact. Giving is not just giving. When I saw Nano filled with satisfaction, I had illusion that I myself was filled up with satisfaction. It is much easier to be a giver than I had expected.
When we had guests at our house, Nano wanted milk. So I moved to another room to do breastfeeding her. Then guest's son around 8 years old, followed me to "I will watch it." 先日、お客さんが来た時に、ナノがおっぱいを欲しがったので、「ちょっとあげてくる」と違う部屋に行こうとしたら、「僕も行く」とお客さんの息子さんがついてきた。

I felt a little wierd since he was not so small like 3 years old. He happily watched my feeding Nano. 8歳位の子だったので、ちょっと不思議に思ったけど、うれしそうにおっぱいをもらってるナノを見ていた。

When we went to the park with Haruto and my sister, I needed to breastfeed Nano. I picked up the cape and fed her inside it. Haruto wanted to see and opened the cape. "Please not. I do not want to be seen by the unknown" I said. My sister explained that the kids loved watching baby's breastfeeding because they somehow feel like they are satisfied, filled up with love and warmth. Does it remind them their baby time? 先日、姉とハルトと公園に行った時に、授乳をしようと、ケープをかぶったら、ハルトがめくって、見るので、「外から見えちゃうよ」と言ったけど、やっぱり、うれしそうに見ていた。姉曰く、「どうやら、子供って、赤ちゃんがおっぱいもらってるの見ると、満たされた気持ちになるらしいのよね。」と教えてくれた。もう自分はおっぱいは卒業してる訳だけど、いい記憶として、残ってるのかもね。

I do not know if it is same, but I myself also feel somehow satisfied when I saw Nano was filled with satisfaction. Mother is more than just a hard work. 私も、ナノがおっぱいに吸い付いて、一生懸命飲んでるのを見ると、満足感がわいて来る。いっぱい飲んで満たされた顔をしてるのを見ると、自分も、満たされた気持ちになる。こうして、母は、子供の世話を見続ける事が億劫ではなくなるんだな、と思った。母親になるのは、誰にとっても不安な事だろうけど、まさに、案ずるよりも、産むが易し、にできてるのかな。

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