
4 months old 4ヶ月になりました。

Nano became 4 months old on October 21. She became much much active now. She got to know how to turn her body, so I have to keep my eyes on her all the time. Yesterday, I was washing the dishes and heard big noise. She was kicking the shelf door and it happened to fall onto her. I was so shocked and held her up. She was surprised at what happened, but did not cry. How can I make sure that she is OK all the time? Now she can use her hands to pull the strings, she know how to turn(but she cannot control it) and she is curios. I put her baby bed surrounded by walls, but she cried loud for out. Yeah, I knew it was not fun. I start working regular way soon. We talked about nursery home, but she is 0 year old and I am at home working, for husband, it does not seem good idea. Anyway, it is very hard to get in the public nursery service in my area. So many kids, working mother and less services. As the last answer is that I go to my parents home with Nano to finish project.
For baby parents, it is so much things to think. I heard so many fighting stories from my friends couples. Big change and big responsibilities we had never experienced. Money, time, house working, education,,,and we do not know solutions. Each has opinion. Never ending talk.
But still Babies are there. How could we give up seeking for the solutions? Nano sleeps like an angels after we finished tiring day. It is sweetest day of our life.
私達も、もはやそれが他人事ではなく、 ナノの天使の寝顔に支えられながら、これからの毎日をがんばっていくしかないんでしょうね。
Anyway, he is good father of Nano, and Nano is happy baby. なにはともあれ、相方はナノのいいパパであり、ナノはハッピーな赤ちゃんなのです。

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