
We came back home 戻ってきました〜

We were supposed to go back home after one month exam and husband came to pick us up on weekend. He said, "I have to leave home for a week on business." Gush! Why didn't he tell me before he came over? Then I could change the date to go back. Probably he didn't want to change the date since he was looking forward to bringing Nano back home.1ヶ月検診が終わったら、家に戻る事になっていた。早速週末に迎えに来た相方が、「来週、出張になっちゃった」と言うではないか。なぜ、来る前に言わないのか。そしたら、帰る日程を変更できたのに!多分、ナノを早く連れて帰りたくって、言わなかったな。確信犯め。

On Sunday, we left my parent's home for Yokohama. I was afraid that she would be nervous because of surrounding change and cried all day when I am alone with her. 仕方なく、日曜日に横浜に出発。一人でナノと、新しい生活に入るなんて(ただでさえ、ナノが不安定になって、扱いが難しくなりそうなのに)、不安、、、

On way home, Nano kept sleeping. We had only one break on highway. An old woman who was selling orange there guessed Nano's age was 3 months. We told her she was 1 month and orange woman was surprised at her size. 車中、ナノはこんこんと眠り続けた。一回、サービスエリアで夏みかんを売ってたおばちゃんに、「かわいいねえ、3ヶ月ぐらいかね」と声をかけられ、1ヶ月だと答えると、驚かれた「年齢詐称疑惑事件」以外は、順調な道中だった。

Husband left for work. I have been "OK" alone with her so far. I gave her bath, feed milk and sleep together. We started new life. そして、相方は去り、なんとか、ナノと二人の生活をこなしています。

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