Last saturday was my husband's birthday, but I couldn't prepare anything until Thursday. I asked him what he wanted and he answered, Tiramisu. Oh, well, it would be 10 times more difficult than before Nano's born, but I decided to try. It had been hot for almost a month and we had been stuck in a house, but it was miracle that it suddenly became cooler with rain on Friday. I brought heavy bag containing dippers, cape, all Nano's items, hung Nano on my belly and adventured to the "public transportation and shopping center" world with a baby.
I walked 20 minutes in heavy rain to the station. Nano was fine watching outside. 土砂降りの中、傘をさして、駅まで20分歩く。ナノはご機嫌で外の世界を見ている。 |
And we took one ride to Tama-plaza. Nano was just quiet. It was good start! 電車に(初めての公共交通機関)一駅乗って、たまプラーザに到着。順調♪ |
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