
First shopping with Nano はじめての二人きりのおでかけ

Last saturday was my husband's birthday, but I couldn't  prepare anything until Thursday. I asked him what he wanted and he answered, Tiramisu. Oh, well, it would be 10 times more difficult than before Nano's born, but I decided to try. It had been hot for almost a month and we had been stuck in a house, but it was miracle that it suddenly became cooler with rain on Friday. I brought heavy bag containing dippers, cape, all Nano's items, hung Nano on my belly and adventured to the "public transportation and shopping center" world with a baby.

I walked 20 minutes in heavy rain to the station. Nano was fine watching outside. 土砂降りの中、傘をさして、駅まで20分歩く。ナノはご機嫌で外の世界を見ている。

And we took one ride to Tama-plaza. Nano was just quiet. It was good start! 電車に(初めての公共交通機関)一駅乗って、たまプラーザに到着。順調♪

I hadn't gone out for a long time andI got high by atmosphere of the stores. Nano basically dislikes shopping(she especially hates super market) but she kept being quiet for about 10 minutes,,,暑さのあまり、家に閉じ込もっていた夏。ナノは基本的にショッピングが嫌いで(スーパーが特に嫌い)、不穏な空気で黙っていたが、私は久々の街に興奮して、それを無視してプレゼントを物色していた。

She started to cry for milk. She was not difficult baby, but she had just big big crying voice. We were so afraid that somebody called police and they would come to check DV some day. あわや買い物が決まりそうな所で、「おっぱい〜」泣きが始まった。一度泣き出すと、ナノの声は大きいので、周りの注目を一気に集めてしまう。あまりの声の大きさに、いつか、通報されて、横浜警察に取り調べられるんじゃないかと本気で心配になる。

I gave up shopping(at the moment almost buying the staff) and ran to searching for the place where I could feed her milk. Nano kept crying like siren. Don't misunderstand, please, people. I did not pinch her. 買い物を一旦あきらめ、焦って、授乳できる所を探して走り回った。その間も、ナノはサイレンのように泣き続けるのだった(つづく)

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