
My Mama told me 母の言葉

Nano loves being held in the arms. Actually she only sleep when she is held. Once she fell into sleep,, ナノは抱っこで寝るのが好きだ(どこの赤ちゃんもかな)。最近は、抱っこじゃないと寝ない。ようやく、寝てくれたので、

I tried to lay her down on Futon hoping that I could have free time to do housework and my own work. たまった家事やら、自分の用事がようやくできると思って、布団に置くのだが、、、

But as soon as she is laid down, she burst to cry. How did she notice in a second? 置いた瞬間に泣き叫んで起きる。

This is what I was afraid. I heard this "my baby only sleep in the arms" hardship stories from many tired moms. I do not want to think that Nano is going to do for next 10 months... これは、私がおそれていた、「抱っこしてないと、寝ないのよ」という一日中抱っこしなきゃいけない赤ちゃんのパターンなのだが、まさか、ナノがその一人だと思いたくない。今だけだよねえ?(ひざに乗せて、ブログは書いてます)

Although it is fun to have a baby in family, at the same time, it is very exhausting thing. One day in the first month at my parent's house, Nano cried every 5 minutes and I was at lost to let her stop crying. My mom came over and massaged her body patiently, then she fell asleep calm. Many people said it, and I feel fed up with hearing from my mom, "you never know real thanks to parents until having children." I now felt deep thanks to my parents who did all the works for me to bring up. My mom also said, "the baby gives you so much joy for the first 5 years, so the hardship through the bringing up children after that is your return." Well, I feel hardship even now, and more hardship after 5 years? The point here is this time of life is so precious that I should enjoy.  It is joyful hardship and then people are glad to take it, the words bring from moms to daughters, then family tree is growing.

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