
Weight scaling 体重測定

After finishing breastfeeding at luxury breastfeeding room, I changed dipper at luxury dipper changing bed. 10 beds were next each other and other moms are chatting to change dippers. Their babies look almost same size as Nano though they smiled more and moved smoothly. ゴージャス授乳室で授乳した後、大量の横並びオムツ替えベッドで他のママさん達とオムツ替えをしていると、隣の赤ちゃん達がほぼ同じ大きさなのに気づいた。オムツを替えてる間も、ママにちょっかいを出したりして、表情も豊かで、「おお〜、発達や個性にも差があるんだなあ」と思ってみていた。

There was baby scale at the luxury baby room. There were not so many opportunities to check the baby's right weight and it would be good chance! Other moms started to scale their babies. They said 6500 or so, and I really thought same size they were. I was so happy to see same size babies. このゴージャズベビールームには、なんと体重と身長を測るスペースもある。横にいたママさん達がこぞって赤ちゃんの体重を量りだして、「あー、6500gいった〜」と言ってたので、いよいよ同じぐらいの大きさだなあ、と思って親近感がわいて、

So I also scaled Nano and she was 6370g. I talked to them "How old are your babies?" and they answered, "6 months" and "7 months" ! 自分もナノを測りながら(彼女は6370gです)、「何ヶ月ですか〜?」と声をかけてみると、「6ヶ月です」「うちは7ヶ月です」と返事が返ってきた。え?

They asked me back how old Nano was and I hesitated but answered that she was 2 months old. Yes, they were surprised at her size. I had thought that their babies balance and face expressions were a little different from Nano. I just made sure how really big Nano was. もちろん、「何ヶ月ですか?」と聞き返されて、おそるおそる、「2ヶ月です」と答えた。「え〜、大きいですね〜」と遠慮がちな反応が。どおりで同じサイズだけど、表情や締まり具合が違うと思ったんだよね。やっぱり、ナノは大きかった、、、

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