
Typhoon 台風一過

Typhoon was supposed to attack the town and we were asked to be at home. Actually it did not, but we already had day off and spent whole day at home. Nanoka was excited to be absent from the school and playing with me at home.
最初は順調に、私は枝豆の処理、ナノカは雑誌を切り抜いて、カード作り、と、それぞれの活動をしていたが、At the beginning, we did the different things at the same table in a peaceful atmosphere,
だんだん、だれてきたナノカが、どれもこれも、私の手を必要とする。パズルは、わざと違うピースを無理やりはめて、かんしゃくを起こす。やめればいいのに、完成すると、また始める。イライラ、、、She was getting needy asking me all the attention and helps even she could do by herself. I got irritated.
そして、きた。ぬいぐるみの人形劇。「これは、ママはいやだ」と拒否。一日の後半に、ぬいぐるみになりきる元気は、残ってなかった In the evening, I had no energy left to become polar bear to join her puppet play.
翌日の朝、家の遊びに満足したのか、保育園の友達がなつかしくなったのか、久々に、笑顔で登園していった。Next day she was satisfied or she felt missing friends at the school, she happily went to the school.
かなり上手に、花を切り抜き。Cut out the flower from magazine and paste on the card
完成。せっかくの花の上に、いろいろ貼っちゃったけど、全部、自分でした。She made it all by herself.
保育園ごっこ。お集まり。上のクラスと下のクラスがあって、先生もいる。Playing the school with dolls. They had meeting, lunch place, nap space and song space separately. Big project using full room.
皿洗い。大きな皿は、シンクに置いたまま、洗っていた。Washing dishes. She put the bigger plate onto the sink to scrab. Good effort!
I can see well her development by spending a day with her at home. She cut the cucumbers with knife in a proper pressure, she can break the egg by herself, and she can do my handmade puzzle by herself which she could not do before.
Her Tababata wish was "I can live with mom forever" probably meaning that she wanted to play with me whole day long, but actually I cannot do well now even if I had no work. She is very energetic and need same energy to play with and it is getting hard for me to be playing partner beside doing other things. I felt that it is important for this age kids to have playing partner who has same energy and play in a full heart-meaning the kids friends. She might notice that by staying at home for a day and she went to school with big smile this morning.

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