
best friend ワンワンものがたり

Doggie is the stuffed animal made of Imabari towel. It is washable, but it is already worn out like old towel. We need a little care to take care of him.
It depends on kids if they play with the dolls. I did not expect to give her one since stuffed animal cause asthma, but she started to play with it after she got doggie then increased numbers. Actually she learned lots of things by taking care of them. It has big meaning on kids developments.
Toys are chosen by parents when kids are small. It is based on the educational believe of them. Of course they should keep it if it is base on developments belief, but sometimes we need to think over.Isn't it really need to prohibit? Can it be parent's just emotion such as hating mess or so? Nanoka use blocks only for dolls house or bath. Otherwise, she did not use. Kids "like" is the source of the development of play.
ワンワンが来たのは、ナノカが10か月ほどのころ、出版社に子連れでお邪魔した時に頂いた。Doggie came to her when we visited publisher in Tokyo at the age of 10 months.
以来、ずっと一緒。寝る時は抱っこ、旅行にも連れて行く。いないと寝れないから、というより、いろいろ、ワンワンの見聞を広げてあげているようだ。Since the day, she has been with him everywhere.
たまに、新しいぬいぐるみを買ってもらった直後、少し、心変わりをすることもあるが、She just moved her heart on new face
2,3日すると、戻っている。ワンワンは、不動の1番なのだ。only for a few day. Then she returned to her best friend.
これだけ連れ歩けば、汚れる。2度ほど、一緒にお風呂に入っている。「こんとあき」みたいで、大興奮。毎日入りたいが、It gets dirty since it is always with her, so it took bath twice with her. She was excited.
「あんまり、お風呂に入ると、ぼろぼろになっちゃうもんね。」と汚さないように、気をつけているさまは、もみくちゃにかわいがっていたころと違い、いたわりを感じる。大きくなっても、手放せないかもなあ~。It was fun, so she wanted to take bath more often, but she said,"he will be worn out if taking bath often" and take special care not to get him dirty.

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