
Halloween 2013 ハロウィーンコスチューム

バス停でお着替え。いざ、出陣。At the bus stop, she changed.
アーケードで赤ずきんちゃんと。In the shopping center, with the Littlge Redhooted.
ドレスのお姉ちゃん達と。ナノカも、数年後には、「何する?」「お姫様!」時代がやってきて、ドレスばっかりになるんだろうねえ。With two dressed girls. She would say "Princess!" in a few years.
10月31日。ハロウィーンだ。佐世保では、四ヶ町商店街で、子供達のハロウィーンパレードが毎年行われている。コスチュームでまわると、商店街のお店でお菓子がもらえるのだ。なんて、ステキなイベント!布団屋さんとか、洋服屋さんとか、文房具屋さんを、子供達が「Trick or Treat?」と言ってまわる姿は、とても、ほほ笑ましく、このお祭りに馴染みの薄い、ご年配の世代の方々にも、「かわいかねえ」「今年も、このお祭りがやってきたねえ」と、徐々に浸透している様子だ。
迷っているうちに、今週になり、 相方が出張に。私も、仕事の〆切りがあり(そして、ナノカは、保育園に行きたがらず)、まったく、準備できないまま、当日に。仕方なく、前々から、考えていた「フリーダ カーロ」にした。メキシコの女流画家だ。
We have Halloween parade at the central shopping center in our city. Kids wore the costume and small shops such as jeans shop, stationary shop, Futon shop etc gave kids candies. It is a heartwarming event and this is the second time for Nanoka to join.
Last year, she was still small, but difficult and I could not let her wear strange costume since she would not wear. So I chose dots dress and named it "Yayoi Kusama" -actually local old people did not know her. Anyway she got candies.
This year I was busy and had no time to prepare. I could not make my mind. But in my mind, Frida Kahlo was No.1 choice. Still I just thought that Frida was not familiar to the people here and nobody would notice. Anyway the day came, and I just could not find the other choice, then I started to make the costume in the morning beside Nanoka. I cut the colorful flower for her shirts and made red skirt from the clothes I had at home. Of course her eye blows were connected. Then I put flower onto her hair. I spent 88 yen (less than dollar) only for hair flower.
She looked like traditional Korean girl and people just thought she was cute. I guess only one person recognise she was Frida. Anyway, it was fun day for her and I am happy.

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