
Book Love Kid 絵本が大好き

ナノカが生まれた時、「私にしてあげられる事は、本が好きな人生を、プレゼントしてあげられる事ぐらいかな」と思い、たくさん、絵本を読んであげる事を、心に決めました。When Nanoka was born, I thought that what I could do for her was giving her book friendly life. So I made my mind to read as many books as possible for her.
1ヶ月半のナノカに、絵本を買ってやり、その日から、読み始めた。then I bought her first book when she was 1 and a half month old and started to read for her even though she did not react at all.
 その甲斐あってか、ナノカは、ちゃんと絵本好きに育ち、というか、異常な程、絵本に執着する子供に育ちました。現在では、、、She has grown up to be a book lover.
イヤイヤ期。ハミガキしよう、と言うと、当然「イヤ」と言う。しかし、いずれはやらなくてはいけない事もわかっているので、「本を一冊読んでから」と、交渉してくる。しかたなく、読んでやる。She is now in terrible two. She always said no to my offer. "Shall we brush your teeth?" "No" but she know she end up doing that, so she added, "after reading a book" I did so.
すると、味を覚えたのか、お風呂、着替え、片づけ、準備、何を始めるにも、「1冊読んでから」と言うようになってしまった。時間がかかって仕方ない。変なクセをつけてしまった、、、After that, she always said, "after a book" every time I asked to her to take the bath, change the clothes, and clean the toys. It took much time and energy to do anything. I felt regret about this habit.
I was starting feel tired of her attitude and felt irritated to read the book. But I just remembered the first decision of mine. Yes, I wished that she became a book lover and she became as I wished. What is my complain?
今週に入って、夜、「これ、読んで」と魔女の宅急便を持ってくるようになった。分厚くて、小学生高学年が読む、ミドルグレードから、ヤングアダルトにあたる本だ。2歳児に、理解できるはずがない。「これは、絵も少ないし、長いよ」と、他の本にするように言うが、「これがいい」と泣き出す。On the other night, she brought me a middle grade thick book to read. I told her that was too long and difficult for her, but she cried for that. I started to read.
仕方なく、読んでやる。うれしそうだが、聞いてるのか、聞いてないのか、布団の上で、ゴロゴロしている。しかし、辞めようとすると、怒る。どうやら、寝つくまで、読んでいて欲しいようだ。I was not sure if she listened to it or not, but she just rolled on the sheets and looked happy. If I stopped reading, she got mad to ask me keep reading.
Nanoka wanted me to keep on eyes on her till her falling asleep. To bring a thick book is for same purpose.
To read the picture book is not only for entertainment but also for feeling mom's or Dad's love. Kids make sure their love by seeing they spend time for them, feeling their warm hands and knees, and listening their soft voices. DVD or CD can provide the knowledge or stories but they cannot represent their love.
Reading books for the kids was hard job for working busy moms sometimes, but it is actually very easy way to let kids feel parents love, so I want to keep doing until she said "No".

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