
Farming 畑仕事

おじいちゃんの畑にやって来ました。We walked to my father's small farm.
隣の畑のおばちゃまに、お花をもらいました。Another farm owner woman gave Nanoka the flower.
種まき。Planting seeds.
水やり water them
Sasebo is surrounded by great nature, but we have rare chance to touch the soil such as farming. I was raised close to nature and still feel relaxed to touch them, so I walked around, stay at the yard and help my father's farm when going home. I wish Nanoka would have same experience, so I brought her to his farm.
She looked serious to do everything-planting the seeds, watering them,,,then she got 40c when she came home. I might push her too much to experience in a short term. I felt terrible.

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