
THE LIBRARY「エリザベスは本の虫」

「エリザベスは本の虫」は、一生、本を読み続けた女性のお話。I read "THE LIBRARY" at the bed time reading. Nanoka listened through quiet.
最後まで聞いて、ナノカが「ナノカみたいだね。」「いっぱい本、読んでたね」。度が違うと思うが、一緒だと思ったんだねえ。Nanoka said "Elizabeth was like me. She read a lot of books." It was far beyond the normal book lover, but Nanoka found it similarity.
もう1回というので、読み直すと、、、She asked me to read again and I did. 
最後まで聞いて、「やっぱり、ちがったね。ナノカ、スケートしたいから」と言った。それ以外にも、いっぱい違ったと思うけど(だいたい、あなた、字、読めてないし、、)、そこ限定ですか。then at the ending, she said, "it was not me. I want to do skating." There are so many different points from Elizabeth, but the skating is the point for her.
It was a book about a lady who loved the books and kept reading for whole her life and built the library at the end. It was not success story such as becoming novelist, then emphasize the love for the book.
As a mother of the daughter, I want her to have more joy such as love, but probably it was different story. If one can spent such a life reading and reading and reading, it was peaceful and satisfying life. Who can judge?

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