
The Fall of the Freddie the lea 葉っぱのフレディ

「おとしより」についての情報は、街にあふれている。ポスターや絵本、実物など。その都度、納得のいくよう、説明してるうちに、、、Nanoka saw many information about getting old from posters, books and real life. I tried to explain the meaning every time she asked me about it.
人は、順番に年をとり、死んでしまう、という事を理解した。ナノカの夢は、「ママになる事」だが、ある日、そうすると、私がおばあちゃんになり、そして、いずれ、死んでしまうという事実がこわくなり、「おばあちゃんにならないで!」と泣かれた。Then she understood "getting old is step by setp-first baby then be adult and get old." Nanoka's present dream is being mom like me, but she cried to ask me "don't be old lady, mom!" She understood that I will be old and someday die.
というところから、「おじいちゃん、もうすぐ、死んじゃうよ」という発言もする。いやいや、たしかに、大きな目で見ると、順番的にはそうなんだけど、、、お願い、バスの中とかで、指差して、言わないでね。Sometime she said, "Grandpa will die soon"  What she wants to say was "the older will die one by one and it is true if we saw the life generally speaking. But please don't say that in the public bus such as "that old man will die soon."
そんなある日、「葉っぱのフレディ」を読んだ。「死について」説明した本だったのね、、、しまった、早かった、、、On the other day I borrwoed Freddie to read. Then I felt it was too early.
I can remember the very moment when I acknowledge the existence of the death. I got to understood the fact that one day every person would die" then I felt fear to the dark at the same time. I was around 5 years old. I could not explain that to anybody and just dove into the blanket and shrive with eyes closed. 
I might hear that this book was written to explain the death to the kids. I forgot that and just grave the book in the library thinking Nanoka would like it since she liked the leaves. I felt it was too early for her. She was interested in the death actually and can enjoy listening to the story and asked me to read again, but in the night, she cried and woke up several times-I do not know if it was because of Freddie, but anyway too serious for bedtime reading fro 3 years old. We would meet this book someday again.
I am sure this would support very small kids who lost somebody important. Of course grown ups would be helped by that. This book is really up to "when" to read. 

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