
リトルアーティスト予定・11月試作 Little Artist next project

In Japan, art education is tend to be "letting them make nice piece and decorate at the wall of the school room." But it is the most important for the kids to experience new way of thinking, seeing and feeling. It is not only for being artist in the future, but also being any kind of study-it is more about understanding the abstract thought by visual.
In my class, I want to introduce new vision in each projects.

 11月 「収穫祭!おいしそうな、秋の実りを描こう」
 テーマ:Tone 影と光、トーンを学ぶ

 12月 「クリスマス対抗 みどり組VSあか組」
 テーマ:color 微妙な色味の違いを感じる
 1月 「すすむおじさんを描こう!」
 テーマ:figure  人の動きを大きく、つかむ 


November "Harvest. Draw the fruitful fruit and nuts" to study Tone

December "Green vs Red" to study color

January  "Draw Susumu-san" to study figure

Today we tried to make sample for next week project.
まずは、枝を集めて来た。Pick the brunches.
筆記用具ではない道具で、「カボチャ」を描く。トーンのない線だけの世界。しかし、カボチャのはずが、顔が、、、Draw the pumpkin,,,but she draw the face on it
お、こっちは、カボチャっぽいか?Next, pumpkin?
結局、全部、顔がついちゃいました。Then put the face on it, too.
本当は、こういう風になる予定だったんですが、、、It was supposed to be like this.
次は、スポンジと、うすめたインク=線の描けない道具で、描いてみる。Next we use sponge to draw.
カボチャ、、、ではなく、スポンジの丸に夢中になってしまう。draw the pumpkin, but she devoted to use round shape of the sponge.
「お月さま♡」だそうです、、、She said, moons.
こんなの描いてもらおうと思ったんだけど、、、 It was supposed to be like this.
こういうものを描いて欲しかったけど、This project's purpose is this, but
3歳児は、こうなっちゃう事がわかりました。3 years old did these.
Through this project, kids would see much of the surface of the object. Using two different drawing tool-one which only draw the line and one which cannot draw any line, they would experience the tones.
I want to introduce still life all over the world, new and old.

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