
Book Shelf 絵本棚

We have bed time reading every night. Nanoka says, "One long one, and one short one. Mommy's choice, please."
After the reading, she claimed that it was not "long enough" to ask another one.
Sometimes, she claimed that it is not "short enough" Both way it does not satisfy her? Well, she needs reasons to ask more books.
他に置くスペースがないのもあるが、うちの本棚は、宮沢賢治、指輪ものがたり、英語の絵本まで、ありとあらゆるものが手に取れるようになっており、そして、実際に、 それを読まされる事がある。もちろん、理解できていない事も多いが、それでも、最後まで聞いている。好きだと思えば、次の日も同じ本を選ぶし、難し過ぎてわからなかった時は、次回は選ばない。逆に、旬を過ぎたかな?と思う、赤ちゃん絵本でも、まだまだ読みたい気分の日はあるようで、持ってくる事がある。本人の絵本の気分は、一緒にいても、はかりしれないのだ。
My friend visited me and she appreciated my children's book shelf. It is made of 3 cheap shelf from Home Depo kinds of store, and I just put them lay side down.
Books are heavy, and Japan has earthquake. We always consider if it happens,,,,then we cannot put something heavy in high place. Especially we have small child. So I made one wall all for the children books. Because of Japanese limited space problems, it looks "non space saving idea" but it is actually great as a kids space-just fitting to their eyes level and touchable by themselves.
In this way, Nanoka knows what she has and she pull the books and return by herself. It is freedom of her. The grown ups has same freedom to choose any kinds of books from all over the world, but kids freedom is made up by adults until they go out by themselves and read by themselves. So we probably need effort to make their freedom of choices as close to adult's as possible.
It is not always money matter but it depends on ideas and some hands.
寝室/リビングであり、絵本部屋でもある。Bedroom and living room and library.
赤ちゃん絵本だけ、別置き。「短い絵本」は、ここから選ばれる。Baby books are in different shelf. We choose short ones from here.

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