
bottle size baby ペットボトルベイビー

I am a kind of easy going pregnant woman and usually do not think much about the moment of birth. Well, of course, I heard so much painful stories from experienced moms, but I do not want to worry until very moment. 
One night, my husband asked me how big the baby was now. I answered "about 1500g"先日の晩、突然、「チビチビ子って、大きさ、今、どれぐらい?」と相方が聞いてきたので、「1500gぐらいだよ」と答えると、

He was staring at table and said, "so it means the baby is now size of this bottle." and pointed 2L water bottle which was filled 3 quarters.しばらくテーブルの上をじーっと見てたかと思うと、「じゃあ、これぐらいだね」と言って、4分の3ぐらい入った2リットルボトルを指差した。

I saw the bottle and suddenly realize how big she was now. I cannot deliver such a big thing! Still she is growing and will be twice big! "Impossible! I cannot do it" I was nervous. Husband said, "It should be fine. You can do it. It will be very smooth!" It was so easy to just say it! そのペットボトルを見て、にわかに現実問題として実感した私は、「ムリ!こんなの産めない!」と騒ぎだした。さらに、産む時はこの2倍になってるのだ。本当に、あり得ない事だ。「大丈夫だよ〜、かえちゃんなら、にゅるんと産めるよ〜」と気楽そうに励ます相方。言うのは簡単だよねえ。ホント、もう、男の人はいいよなあ。

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