
Hand picked and Hand made Tea 手作り茶

休耕している茶畑で、若芽を摘む。Picking the young tea leaves.
蒸した茶葉から、水分を取る。removed water from steamed leaves
水分を抜くように、手で丸めていく。Rolled them up with hands.
弱火で水分を飛ばすように、煎る。dried on the pan with little gas.
煎る→冷ます、を5〜6回繰り返し、茶葉を完成していく。repeat 5-6 times heat and dry.
試飲。葉が開くのに時間がかかり、色はあまり出ないものの、甘みのある、香りの優しい緑茶ができあがる。It took time to make the tea after pouring hot water, and the color was paler, but soft smell and a little sweet tea(bitterness is less) completed.
余った葉っぱをもらってきて、紅茶も作ってみた。 I tried to make English tea after coming back home, too!
There are so many tea farm around this area, Sechibaru, Sonogi, Ureshino, Hirado and Saza. We can see tea trees all over but I did not think about making tea by myself.
It was not so complicated but I noticed that it is very sensitive to make good tea. We visited the tea factory after the event, and found they made tea estimated for temperature, humidity and wind and let the machine do it instead of human hands. It was fun day.
Green tea and English tea and Chinese tea are made from same tea leaves. It is just different that green tea is straight and English and Chinese are ferment. Anyway, pot tea is far different from bottled drink. I never drink bottled tea, and hope my daughter know the real taste of tea. Next time, I want to paint this beautiful tea farm for postcard.
In Sechibaru, we saw a pond with lost of rare creatures. I wish we keep this beauty of nature for next generations, too.

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