
Go lessons, pussles and swing? ブランコ、パズル、囲碁レッスン

ナノカがブランコと呼んでいる、健康器具。わりと、うまい。 She called this walking machine as swing

作れとせがまれ、実家にあった12色色鉛筆でパズルを制作。she asked me to make the puzzle then I finished it with 12 color pencil

せかされて作ったが、難しすぎるのか、自力ではやらず、、、it is a little difficult for her.

日曜日のおじいちゃんのお楽しみは、囲碁のテレビ放送。それを見て、興味を持ち、On Sunday, grandpa watched go match on TV and Nanoka really wanted to try, then she asked him to teach,

やりたいとせがんで、出してもらった。なんとなく、それっぽく乗せているが、もちろんルールなんて、わかるはずもなし。so they did it, of course nothing she understood,

ただ、石の感触を楽しんでいた。前回は、おままごと道具だったので、前進かな?いつか、おじいちゃんと対決できるといいね。but just enjoyed the feeling of the touch of stones.
At parent's home, Nanoka and I have been just spending the daily life at the different place. But it is very rare chance for us to spend the days together since she usually goes to the school.
Kid day is starting with play and ending with play. We read the picture book about monkey kids and they said that monkey kids learnt the way to live in group by playing together including hugging, biting and some battles etc. Nanoka experienced same things in the school, then I thought that human kids might be the same. It also said that grownup monkeys never show interest in toad, which is no meaning for them on the other hand kids showed so much interests and gathered to play with. I just thought about myself. Am I less interested in the things which are not related to me? That might be a pity life!
Of course adults are busy minding their businees and life-that is their tasks. But it should not be all as monkeys moms. I can learn the things by watching her way of play.

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