
She finally did it! ぬいさししました

先日、教室で二人きりだったので、I手先生が、「ナノカちゃん、縫いさし、やってみる?」と声をかけたそうだが、ナノカは、しらーっと返事をせず、One day, teacher asked Nanoka to try sewing, and there was no answer from Nanoka.
しばらくして、「ナノカ、それ、おうちに持ってるよ」と言うので、「へえー。やり方教えてあげようか?」とI手先生はさりげなく、言ってみると、in 10 minutes, Nanoka said, "I have one at home" to teacher. Teacher said, "I see. Do you want me to teach how?" then she said yes.

「うん」と答えて、とうとう、縫いさし初挑戦した、と報告してくれました。Then finally she tried sewing at the school.
これが、初作品。普通は終わると、外しちゃうらしいんだけど、あんまりにもったいぶったので、記念に。It had been so long to start one step.
Nanoka is the difficult. She does not like to be asked so much, and said no to most of invitation, teacher said. So teacher tried not to ask much just let her to do as she wanted. This time, teacher asked Nanoka very indirect way and finally she felt trying. The sewing at the school is more systematically and simple and easy.

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