
きって、はって、絵本ワークショップ Workshop of collage book

I want to be paler
I want to be pale skin like others. "Hey, Doctor!"
"I want to be pale" "Take this"
Bomb! Yes, I became paler!
Let's play together! OK!
"Thank you, Doctor!" "Shit. I should keep it for myself."
Ponta, Racoon.
It rains. Ponta tried to be frog to enjoy and put leaf onto his head.
He turned to be into macho instead!
He wanted to win the lace, so he put leaf onto his head and tried to be a cheater,

but he became macho again.
Mika has lots of dolls. On fine day, she played with princess dolls outside.
On rainy days, played with fish dolls, on cloudy days, played with butterfly doll.
It is snowy day, a special day. She played with,,,,(see inside!)
Snow men!!!
Mika played with each dolls on each weather. Today she went shopping with mom.
Then she got more dolls. She loves dolls!!!
Good sister and her little brother
Little brogher, Nobu, cried. He said, "yellow hair hit me!" Big sister, Hagi decided to beat yellow head.
Hagi beat yellow head and two went department store.
They bought candy and cookie at sweet shop and sandals at shoe shop and they bought nothing next door.
They ate at the house and went to bed
Then sleep well

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