
Nanoka Ito 8 kg イトウナノカ、8キロです

On the other day, I scaled Nano and found she was 8 kg. Yes, she was bigger than average, but I got used to having over average baby. Anyway, I only watched Nano every day and her size seemed me  to be natural. 先日、ナノの体重を量ったら、8キロだった。確かに標準より、かなり大きいのかもしれないが、大きい赤ちゃんを連れている事自体に慣れて来て、毎日見ている私から見ると、「前より標準値に近づいてるし」それほど、大きく感じなくなっていた。

At my parent's house, I met my friend from school. She brought her 1 year old son, Jun. 5 month-old Nano and Jun were almost same size. We were both surprised to meet each babies. 実家で、友達に久々に会う事にしたら、彼女のちょうど1歳になる息子のじゅんくんと、5ヶ月になるナノの大きさが同じで、お互い、びっくりした。

Although they were same size, Jun could sit by himself and he moved where he wanted. What he could was far beyond what Nano could do. サイズは同じだが、じゅんちゃんは、もちろん1歳なので、全然できる事が違う。きちんと一人でおすわりをして、遊んでいた。

Jun even could eat real meals. I realized how huge Nano was every time I met other baby. さらに、じゅんちゃんはナノの目の前でパクパクとご飯を食べ始めた。おとな〜。よそのコと会うと、ナノってやっぱり大きいんだなあ、と実感します。


First Drawing はじめてのおえかき

 An article said that parents wore unseen glasses through which they could see their babies were special and sometimes genius. These glasses were necessary for the parents to raise the baby, but they should keep it mind not to go too far. When I read that article I was younger and single, so I thought, it would not happen to me. But now I sometimes feels that Nano was special and genius (half joke, I know that I am silly mom). I guess that it was caused by the existence of babies who hadn't done nothing when they were born, but kept growing to gain so much abilities in a short time day by day. Their grow moves us so much.
I needed to work 1 month after delivery. Nano was not always sleeping or quiet. ナノが生後1ヶ月頃から、私は徐々に仕事をしていたため、たびたび、スケッチをしなければならず、

Then I hold her on my knee and drew the sketches. As long as being held, Nano was quiet. どうしてもタイミングが合わない時は、ひざに抱いて、絵を描いていた。

A few days ago, Nano was a little bored when I was drawing, so I just tried to let her hold the pen, 先日、ひざに抱いていると、退屈してぶーぶー言い出したので、試しにペンを握らせてみた所、

and I noticed that she could hold pen well and draw the line! I did not teach her, but maybe she was watching what I was doing. I was so moved! なんと上手に握って、線を引き出した。何も教えてないのに、どうやら、見ておぼえたようだ。なんか感激!

This is her first drawing. I named it "passion".  Is she Avant-garde artist? これがナノのはじめてのおえかきです。タイトルは「情熱」。 前衛的でしょう?


Ojizo-sama Nano-chan お地蔵さまナノちゃん

Basically I am always with Nano from morning to night. 母親というのは、朝起きてから、夜寝るまで、子供と一緒である。

So I am watching her face all day long for 365 days(She is still 5 month, though)生まれてこのかた、こんなに同じ顔を一日中見ている経験をした事はなかった。

This time, I illustrated Kasajizo, Japanese folk tale about old couple and Ojizo-sama. 今回、かさ地蔵の挿絵を描いてみて、

After I finished, I noticed that 6 Ojizo-sama faces look like Nano. I watched her too much. 仕上げてみると、お地蔵さまの顔が全部、ナノにそっくりだった。日がな一日、ナノばっかり見てるんだもんね。

Are they look like Nano? こんな顔です。


Baby Food ? 離乳食?

Now Nano is 5 month old. She shows huge interests in real food. She has big appetite since new born. In the main stream of baby care, doctor and dietitian says that we can start baby food around 5 month old. Some books said that in 2-3 months baby can start having juice and soup. But in other books, they said that we should wait until at least 6 month if baby has the possibilities to have allergy. I and my family have allergy to some foods. My husband's brother had Asthma when he was a kid. So I would like to be too careful about that. So even Nano is so excited about food, I am trying not to start baby food. It is getting difficult. Should I give her food?
In the parent's house, when we had dinner at the table, Nano was curios what we were doing. 実家で食事をする度、ナノは「食事」に非常に興味があるらしく、

At the first week, she just stared at our eating craving. 最初の頃は、じーっと見て、よだれを垂らしていたが、

Gradually she increase her passion to food and now she tried to jump to food screaming. We had no peace during dinner time any more. この頃は、雄叫びをあげながら、飛びついてくるようになった。もはや、静かな夕餉は不可能となった。

I pour boiled water into the bowl and gave to her with spoon. She was happy to eat it and so far she was fooled that she got what we ate. I am afraid that she would soon notice that was different from real food. 仕方なく、ごまかそうと、湯冷ましをお椀に入れて、スプーンであげた所、喜々として、スプーンにかぶりつき、飲んでいた。とりあえずは、ごまかせたようだ。が、すぐに、「なんか、ちがーう」と気づくのだろうなあ、と、びくびくしている。


Happy Anniversary? 結婚一周年

Norvember 22 was our first anniversary. I was staying at my parent's house to do work and my husband was at Yokohama to work. So we did not spend the day together. For a year, we experienced so much things. We had fight and argurments some times as other couples do. Nano was born withing this first year. It was not easy time. We had earthquake and atomic accident. The world faced on big change. I felt anxiety some times. Still, I could have hope since husband here to be with me and we were unit to protect Nano. In that meaning it was my happiest time of my life. I lost the chance to say thank you to my husband because of my diallela(!) here, I would like to say thanks to him and I wish it would last for our life even through difficult time.
I was breastfeeding Nano in the bed and she was almost sleeping, but I felt something wrong with my stomach,,, ナノを寝かしつけようと、おっぱいをあげている時、急にお腹に変化が起き、、、

I ran to toilet. I knew Nano would wake up but it was huge stomachache. 強烈な痛みがおそってきた。もう少しで寝そうだったが、一刻の猶予もない感じだったので、ぽいっとナノを置いて、トイレに走った。

I got bad Diarrhea and I heard Nano crying. But I could not move and shout asking somebody taking care of Nano. トイレにまで、ナノの泣き叫ぶ声が聞こえたが、ひどい下痢で、動きが取れず、「だれか〜、ナノを頼む〜」と叫んだ。

It was terrible Diarrhea and I felt very weak laying down. My husband called me and I told him how my Diarrhea was bad. He said at the end, "Thank you for a year, Kae chan. I love you." and I noticed that he called me for anniversary. Sorry for that. ナノをじじばばに見てもらい、横たわり苦しむ私に、相方が電話をかけて来たので、「ひどい下痢でさ〜」と細々説明した。一部始終を聞いた後、相方が、「一年、ありがとうね。愛してるよ」と言った。そっか、記念日だから電話して来てくれたんだよね。ごめんね、下痢の話だけしちゃったよ。


Mummy works はたらくママ

For this two weeks I have been staying at my parent's house to finish book illustration job. It was first big project after delivery. It meant this was the first work I have to finish with Nano. It was impossible to paint 12 pages beside Nano and I could not find any nursery service, so I decided to ask my parents to take care of Nano during my job. I did not notice, but I had never been away from Nano more than 1hour before this. During first few days, my parents had difficulty but gradually Nano got used to them and stopped crying and staying happy with them. I finished most part of project.
On first day of painting, I asked my Dad to take care of Nano and went to working place 仕事にとりかかるので、父にナノを預けて、仕事部屋にこもったら、

After an hour, my Dad brought crying Nano to me. She was nervous seeking for me. So Nano and Grandpa were staying behind me watching my working. 1時間もすると、べそべそ泣くナノを連れて、父がやって来た。どうやら、ずっとこの調子だったようだ。結局、作業する私の後ろで、見てもらう事にした。

In a few days, Nano gradually got uesd to be with Grandpa and Grandma, then they rarely brought her to me. "Nano now knows I am friend" my Dad said. 何日かその調子だったが、次第に慣れていき、1週間経った頃には、じじ、ばば、を「面倒を見てくれる人」と認識したようで、運ばれてくる事もまれになった。父曰く、「ナノちゃん、じじが友達だって、わかったんだよな〜」だそうだ。

Moreover, Nano showed big smile when she saw me after work. I am still special to her after few hour absence. Compared with the time when we were at our apt ( I was trying to work and Nano needed my attention. So Nano cried and I ignored it to work. It was chaos) , I recognised huge happiness as a mother of her. その上、作業を終えて、ナノに会いに行くと、「ママだ!」という感じで、うれしそうに笑ってくれる。一対一で家で見ていながら、仕事をしようとして、ナノは「遊んでよ!」私は「仕事しなきゃいけないんだってば」みたいな感じで、若干荒れ気味だったのに比べると、なんという違いだろう。仕事してみて、より、ナノがいて本当に幸せだなあ、と感じられた。