
Story Telling カブ太郎 

ナノカは元気だが、わたしは体調悪化。ナノカが、「昼寝していいよ」と、勧めてくれる。Nanoka adviced me to have a nap.
まず、絵本を1冊。園で読んでもらったらしく、全ページ、読み上げた。She delighted to read me a book.
次は、お話。む、桃太郎かな?草つみって、随分、乙女な感じだけど、、、Then she started to tell me a story. Sounds like the beginning of Momotaro, the fable.
しかし、流れてきたのは、大きなカブだった。おお、パロディ?Big peach was supposed to surf the river, but a big turnip surf to grandmother. Was she making parody story?
カブを切ると、出てきたのは、、、なんと桃太郎。カブなのに、桃太郎。つっこみたい、、、They tried to eat the turnip and the baby was born from there-Momotaro, peach boy. What? From Turnip, the peach boy was born?
その後も、お供の猿が抜けたり、戦いの場面が、あっさり終わり過ぎたりしたけど、ちゃんと、結ぶことができた。本人真剣なので、笑わないで、聞くのが、大変だった〜。Then Momotaro went to fight to goblin with dog and bird(forgot monkey) and he and only bird try to fight there(I do not think bird was not so helpful) and the goblin gave up after almost no fighting and gave him treasure. Anyway it reached conclusion and it was just too funny to listen without laughing.

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