
She got the books! 絵本をゲットだぜ!

東京営業道中は、荷物がいっぱいだし、地下鉄の乗り換えで階段もたくさんあるので、とにかく、ナノカには、歩いてもらわないと困る。そこで、、、Tokyo is the hardest city to travel with kids. In addition, I had to carry the big bag and so many times we had to climb the stairs to change the subway lines. I do not think I can carry her, so she need to walk anyway.
ナノカには、「ママについてくると、絵本がもらえるよ」とモチベーションを上げてあった。To motivate her, I had explained that she would get books at the publishers if she walked around with mom. She said, "I will go with you!"
あからさまに、手が出てしまうナノカ。す、すみません、、、As soon as they brought the books to her, she jumped to hold them. I blushed,,,
夜、パパに電話。ふだん、電話口では、「ナノカだよ」と一言言うと、受話器を放り投げてしまうのだが、、、She usually did not speak on the phone after, "Hi, this is Nanoka." At the night at hotel after business day, I called husband and gave it to her,,,
べらべら、本日の出来事を話し、「絵本をもらった」ことを報告していた。大収穫だったのね。She burst to talk, "Hi,this is Nanoka, I am at hotel with mom. We went to the offices. They gave me the books. Bye!" She harvest lots of books in a day!
Nanoka loved the books. "You will get the books if you walk to mommy's business meeting" was like "the carrot in front of the horse" situation. She nearly gave up walking on the way to a publisher but she again walk to another after she got the books there.Thanks to the love to the books!
However, she bothered our meeting several time by "read this book" and followed  "Fun! Again!" at the office.

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