
Morning Market 朝市

My husband and Nanoka left home at 6:30 every morning. I got ride on the drive to go to the Sasebo Morning Market near the port this morning to take pictures to make postcard.
アジ、サバ、タイ、ハモ、サンマ、イサキ、キンメなどなど。新鮮で、大ぶりな、上級品が並ぶ。All kinds of fresh seafood.
テキパキ働く市場の人たちが、絵になる。Working people there were the things I want to draw.
The way to there was easy drive, but the way back home was not. We only had the bus to home started at eleven. I tried to wait for the bus, but I bought two fish and worried about the damage. Then I decided to walk up the hill.
坂。この風景も、佐世保らしい。すれ違う人同士、あいさつをかわす、ほのぼのした雰囲気。しかし、登りきった後は、汗だくでした、、、This is typical scenery of Sasebo. Houses are built over the hill and stairs go between them. People are exchanging the greeting when crossing by. Very slow and heartwarming,,,but at the end, I got wet by sweat.
I dropped by the community center if I can borrow the room for having art class. It requires the group sigh-up, but sounds like it is possible by having several students to corporate with. Also the staff there knew me by the newspaper and asked me to have the workshop or something. I always wished if I had a car, but inconvenience sometimes works better.

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