
Oh, you love me?え、好きなの?

昨日、ナノカが「今日ねー、Iくん(クラスメートの男の子)が、『ナノカちゃんが、好き!』て言ったよ」と報告してきたので、「へー。ナノカは、なんて言ったの?」と聞くと、、、On way home Nanoka told me that "Today Ibuki, the boy, said to me, 'I love you'" then I asked her what she answered,,,
「『え、好きなの?』て言った!」と、驚いた表情を作りながら、実践してくれた。「ナノカも好きだよ」じゃないんだ。なんか、ずるいな。She said, "I said, 'oh, you do?'" making surprise face. Wasn't it "I love you, too"? Already girl's technique?
Nanoka loved many boys. First she liked Neo, but soon gave up him since he was cool to her, then she told me different name every day-kind Ibuki, Wild Taisei, and young cute Kouta. I did not care much thinking that it meant just good friend of the time, but I saw her a bit bitchy way and felt a little worried. 
Teacher called her, actress, since she cried dramatically when she found somebody she can rely on. Is it just girl's cute behavior  or should I worry her future a little bit?

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