
Clay Monsters おばけ粘土

再び、粘土。しばらく、ただ、こねてたが、最後に「おばけ、つくる」と言い出してから、集中。Clay play again. She tried to make monster.
目玉は、私が作った、既存の目玉を利用して、完成。At the end, she made one using ready made eyes made by me.
すばらしい!偶然かもしれないけど、すごい完成度。It was master piece.
雨の日の日曜日。パパも初参戦。On rainy Sunday, Dad joined for the first time.
さかな Fish by Nanoka
三つ目、三つ角のオニ Ogre by Nanoka
そして、ご本人も満足の出来の、、、and this was her favorite piece
作品群。右3つは、相方作。ダイナミックさでは、子供には勝てないなあ、と一言。These are all her works. Right three are made by husband. He said, "kids works are dynamics and mine look boring."

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