
Nanoka's work Impressionisim?ナノカ美術館 印象派?

I did not teach her the way but she started to draw using the side surface of crayons and mixed some colors. 教えてないけど、突然、クレヨンの側面を使って、面を塗るようになり、色を混ぜるようになった。
Then add the lines after that. Combination work.さらに、そこへ線を加えた作品。
When she started to spend time at the upper class, she devoted herself drawing this picture after coming home. Was this showing her emotion of that time?これは、コスモスさんで活動するようになった頃、家に帰ってきて、黙々と熱中して描いた作品。なにか、心の機微でも表してるんだろうか?
These were a little old pieces since Nanoka now devoted herself on house play after the school.
They are untitled. She recently drew the circle and said, "a cat."-she is interested in drawing object, too. I advised to put the tail to the picture if it was a cat, and she annoyed to answer, "it is already there" I guess it was improper words of mine. I did not recognise, but if she drew "ideological cat" maybe the circle showed everything of a cat including tail, of course.
I would like her to challenge the wet medium next. I need to buy one for kids since mine include poison.

2 件のコメント:

Tonykaku さんのコメント...

wagahai wa ideological neko de aru : )

にしむらかえ Kae Nishimura さんのコメント...

hahaha :)