
Mystery of relatives 親族の不思議

Before meeting my friends, I let Nanoka practice to say "Hello. Chu" and she did well. But she freeze and closed her eyes tight in my arms once she saw them. It was same attitude to the fireworks. 今回の旅行で、友人宅で、外国人の友人達に会う事になってたので、「ハロー。チュ」という芸を教え込んだ。アジア系だから、外国人とはいえ、行けるのでは、と思ったが、見た途端固まり、花火を見た時と同じ態度で、私の胸に顔を押しつけて、目を固く閉じていた。「シャイなのね」と言われたが、あんまりな態度で、申し訳なかった。
Two days later, I brought her to the relative house where all the relatives got together. She had never met most of them or only a few times except grandma and grandpa. I wonder if she got nervous like when she met my friends.そんな事もあったので、大量の親類が集まる席に行ったら、その迫力に押されて、また固まるかなあ、と心配していた。ほとんど、初対面か、一度あったぐらいの親戚ばかり。
But in a few minutes, she started walking around the people and touched some of them. Once she left me and husband, she did not come back except she need food.ところが、ものの数分で、私の元を離れ、歩き回り始めると、おじさんのところへ行って、馴れ馴れしく肩に触ったり、
During our stay, she was too excited. She talked aloud and played around with all the people. She rarely came to me, almost forgetting me. もう一人の叔父さんの所で、遊んでもらって、大声で笑ったりしていた。確かに、おじいちゃんの顔の面影があるのかもしれないけど、無条件で、親類は受け入れちゃうんだなあ、と感心した。
生まれてから、会わずじまいだった人に、立て続けに会うので、ナノカがどう反応するのかは、ナゾだった。外国人が苦手なのは(興味はある)、佐世保の街中での反応でも立証済みだったので、 友人宅に着くまでに、挨拶を教え込んで、準備してみたが、あえなく撃沈した。ただ、1時間も経つと、拒否し続ける事にもムリがあったのか、次第にオモチャで遊び始め、そのうち、普通に接すれるようになった。とにかく、あからさまに拒否反応を表現して、感じが悪いので、なんとかしたいのだが、こればっかりは、本人が慣れてくれるまでは、どうしようもない。
This summer vacation theme was "meet up many people whom we could not meet easily" We traveled Middle of Japan Sea area to see my friends and my relatives. It was one of the most difficult parts of visiting from Sasebo and we visited all once in this time with Nanoka.
I knew Nanoka would be scared of non Japanese people since I got to see in Sasebo. It happened again this time, and I felt regret since they were nice lovely people visiting from NY. They were funny and I wished that she could became friends with them. She got used to be with them in an hour, but never be "really friendly" until the end.
In other side, she loved the relatives just in a few seconds after she met. For some reasons, she knew that they were harmless(well, nobody harm her in her life, though) and left me and she even sat on their knee, running with cousins, hung uncle's arms, and so on,,,Is it so obvious for the kids to see the family tree by just a look?
After the vacation at home, she asked me to hold her for whole day long. Of course she denied to go to the school. She was absent on Monday and went to there crying on Tuesday. I worried to pick her up. Teacher told me that she was nothing different from ordinary days. She even acted very well closing doors every time. She was "a good girl" outside. Only I had to treat, "bad, difficult" Nanoka for a while. Well, it might be my job.

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