
Don't hurt the boy's pride 男のプライド?

福井滞在記。男らしさを前面に出して、「虫取りするから、ついてきな」と誘う光史郎。ナノカは、お友達にこう言われた時、素直に、後をついていくタイプだ。At Fukui, Koushiro showed off his "manly" catching insects. He asked Nanoka to follow him. Nanoka just followed as he said.
1歳半年上な事もあり、常にリーダーシップを発揮する光史郎。ナノカは、「こうしろうおにいちゃん」がしている事を、すべてマネする。本歌を知らないのに、天どんマンの踊りも踊っていた。従順なナノカに、光史郎もお兄ちゃんぶりを、どんどん押してくる。One and half year older Koushiro had readership all the time. Nanoka obeyed happily. They looked like a brother and sister or good friends.
さて、夜になり、お庭でバーベキューの準備をしていると、光史郎が私に「あっちに行きたい。一人じゃ行けない」と言う。さっきまで、「カエルをとってやる」と張り切ってたのに、、、どうやら、白い蛾がこわかったみたいだ。At the evening, we had BBQ at the yard. When preparing that, Koshiro came to me and asked to take him inside since he could go by himself. He was so excited to catch the frogs a few minutes ago. He might be scared of white butterfly.
お母さんの元へ連れて行くと、ばーっと走っていった。だいぶ、長いこと離れていたし、寂しかったのもあるんだろう。戻ってきた光史郎を見て、ナノカが、「こわかったのね。だいじょうぶだからね。こわくないよ。」と、声高に諭した。たたみかけるように、何度も。ナノちゃん、、あなたこそ、ずっと、こわがって、私の抱っこから離れてないじゃない。それに、光史郎の男のプライドもあるんだから、そっとしておいて、あげようね。I brought him to his mom and he ran to her. I guess he was missing mom, too. When he came back to the yard, Nanoka talked to him loudly "Are you scared? It is OK. Don't be scared." like mommies do to the kids. Well,,,she kept scared of the darkness and frogs and never left from my arms. And don't hurt Boy's pride. He did not want to be point out that he was scared.
Yesterday at the school, I saw Nanoka spoke to her classmate(older). Nanoka said, "We did the same. Good for you." or something. She spoke like elders do to the kids, from upper, to teach. She cheer me up to say, "Heavy, huh? You can do it. It is OK" when I carried heavy bags and her in arms to ride the bus. Well, first, I wanted you to walk by herself,,,
She was social kinds and she likes friends. Then she was very good speaker as her age and her way of speaking is like adults-from top to tell the kids. I was a little worried that she made impression on friends pushy because of that.

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