
Pick me Up! monster 抱っこオバケ

Nanoka weights 11.5kg, can be a little bit chubby? I want her to walk a bit more, but she asked me to pick her up when she found ants, when the wind blew...She became a big "pick me up!" monster,,, ナノカ、2歳。11、5キロを越え、ややぽっちゃり体型も気になる。歩いて欲しいが、アリを見つけては「抱っこ!」風がふいては、「コワイ!抱っこ!」と、すっかり、抱っこオバケと化している。
On way from the school to the bus stop, we walk a path with no traffic. I thought it would be good her walking course and tried to cheer her up to walk as much as possible, be patient to take time to pick the stones and leaves around, but she found so many reasons to ask me to pick her up. She even said, "I walked enough for today. Now you can walk with me in your arms." Good long sentences she can speak for saying NO. 保育園からの帰り道は、バス停まで裏道がある。ぜひ、ここで歩く習慣を身につけたい。一生懸命促して、寄り道にも精一杯付き合うが、なかなか手強く、「ナノカちゃん、いっぱい歩いたよ。こんどは、ママが抱っこで歩く」といった発言もする。小賢しくなってきた、、、
I held her with heavy bags from bus stop to our building. Other passengers talked to us, "In mommy's arms again?" "You can walk. Mommy is going to be in trouble." but Nanoka ignored it. 大荷物とかなり大きくなったナノカを抱えてバスを降りると、いつも顔を合わせる常連さんが、「あら、また抱っこねえ」「歩かんば、おかあさん、大変よ〜」と声をかけてくれた。都合が悪い話しなので、顔を隠すナノカ。
Then a lady said, "But I now feel I should have held him more. I sometimes thought it was too much and pushed him to wal, but now I could have held up him more." I knew his high school son. Well,,, probably it must be hard to hold him now, then she must miss it. Mother is going to be mother forever. ナノカの様子を見ながら、片方の女性が「でも、今頃になって、ああ、あの頃、なんでもっと抱っこしてあげなかったんだろう、あの時は、もうムリ、て思って、歩かせちゃったけど、もっとしてあげればよかったって。」と、幾分、涙ぐむように言った。彼女の高校生のお兄ちゃんにもたまに、顔を合わせるけど、まあ、そりゃ、もう甘えてくれなさそうだよねえ。
Nanoka is a monster of "pick me up!" She got clever and she gave me so many reasons why she needs to be in my arms. She said scared to so many things-wind, sound, bike, somenody's voice, dog barking(she used to love dogs, though!) I carried a big heavy bag from her school and shopping bag/ And it was hot now! When I asked her "it is beyond of my ability. Please walk" then she walked for 10m and asked me to pick her up again...hell...
But after I heard the story of this lady, I felt a little positive about holding her. It is just a short term to carry the baby. Soon she became a big girl and left me. So I should appreciate. Anyway, it is like ninja's practice(there is famous practice to  jump every day over the hemp and they end up to gaining high jump ability as the plant grow), I got to carry nearly 12kg Nanoka with large shopping bags. Some men would soon give up holding her after a few minutes and asked me how I could make it. Well, no mommies have excuse to refuse holding their baby even they had grown and ended up being muscular strong mommies. Mommies are tough!

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