
fear 恐怖心について

私が選んだ本のうち2冊は、いずれも「ベッドタイム」や「闇」をテーマにしたものだ。ひとつは、センダックの「かいじゅうたちのいるところ」、もうひとつは、 レモニースニケットという作家の「くらやみ、こわいよ」。たまたま、仕事で「子供のベッドタイム」について扱ったので、読みたくなって、借りてみた。
Last Friday, I brought Nanoka to the city library after the school. We had enough picture book to read to her at home, but I felt it would be good experience for her to start to choose what to read by herself. I started to go to the library at two, too.
I chose 4 picture books including two bed time stories, "Where the wild things are" and "I am scared of the darkness" since I talked about the bedtime story in my essay job. Nanoka chose two Anpanman(famous TV character) chapter books. I doubt it that she would understand them, but anyway the point this visit was to let her choose books, so I respected her choice.
My choice was not good, I soon found. First, she found "Where the wild things are" in my bag, and brought me, "It is scarely." I had to hide it since she was crying she was even scared if the book is in the room. I read "I am scared of the darkness" at the bed, and it was masterpiece about the child's typical fear about darkness, but of course, Nanoka was scared on the way. We had to stop reading.
Nanoka is quite sissy. We were the member of puppet club and we went to the puppet show once in a few months, but recently, she was scared and started to cry 5 minutes after the show started. It was very pity and I tried to encourage her to watch, but we only could see the show(it is animals friendship story. Not scarely at all) from far in the next room. The elder member said to me, "To fear the show means she understood and feel. It is very good thing." but I just felt sad when she denied the show...
But they might be right. It is evidence that she now understand the stories. Book and the show are all "what people made" and it is not real. If she can feel the fear from them, it meant she can understand the story. It is development of her.
On Saturday, Nanoka asked me to read "I am scared of the darkness" again. I read through and she asked me three more times. It is impressionable since it shows her fear very well? Also at that night, she asked us to read "Where the wild things are" together(she thought daddy is reliable in a fear?). This time, she could enjoy through.
She now can understand the fear in the story. She can sympathy the story. Two years old already experienced fear and sorrow. I was amazed what is going on in her brain. She would grow with more complicated fear and sorrow stories. Her travel of the life with story has just started.
Nanoka was scared of "Where the wild things are" from a look of cover. She kept crying until I hided it in the shelf. Also I read the book called "I am scared of the darkness" and she denied it on the way.「かいじゅうたちのいるところ」をカバンから見つけたナノカ(最初は、本が読みたくて、あさっていたのだろう)。表紙をしばらく見ていて、こわくなり、泣き出した。仕方なく、隠す。「くらやみ、こわい」は、読んでる途中で、ダメだった。
I brought her to the puppet once in a while, but she was scared of the emotion of the puppets and cried. Then we had to go out in a first 5 minutes after the show started. Last time, we watched "rabbit and fox" friendship story from the next dark room. It was a step, though. こわがりナノカは、人形劇も、観に行くまではうれしそうなのだけど、始まって、登場人物が怒ったり、こわい事が起こったりすると、すぐ「コワイ」と拒否反応。「帰りたい」と泣き出してしまい、なかなか最後まで見られない。前回は、キツネとウサギが話し始めたら、それでもうダメだった。別室から、あやしながら、なんとか最後まで、観た。いつまで、こうなのかなあ、、、

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