
Fashion! おしゃれについて

We cannot spend much money on fashion because of our economic condition. I did not buy much staff for Nanoka except underwear and something necessary. She wore somebody's worn clothing, somebody's presents, and second hand clothing.
Probably my parents had similar economics since they bought a house when I was a little. My mom bought almost no new ready-made clothing and kept saying, "kids don't need to care fashion." That made my sister and me to think it sin to wish to be fashionable. Then we felt complex about fashion in teenager.
In fact, my mom was raised at the tailor family and she was very good at making any kinds of dress-then she handmade dress for us. We were even fashionable than other kids in old photos. So my mom words just put girls' motivation down for no reasons. It was very pity, I felt.
I am now thinking it more important to respect the girl's nature that they want to be fashionable. Nanoka cannot wear expensive dress(it is maybe not necessary), but still she can feel comfortable about what to wear and have confident and opinion about fashion in the future. If I can help her with my effort and idea, I am happy to do that. It can possibly make her to be international big designer?!
Her first fashion show? She pulled handkerchief from the chest and wore them.引き出しから引っ張り出した、一枚のハンカチを、お洋服、ぼうし、スカート、にする。初のファッションショー?
My handmade Nanoka's accessories.何個かアクセサリーを手作り。
Comb for birthday.誕生日用のコーム。
Her first bracelet. Happy to wear.マイブレスレット。とうとう手に入れたわ!

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