
Lots of,,,いっぱいいっぱいの、、、

In the morning when we waited for husband's car near the entrance, Nanoka asked me to sit at the stair to watch the view together. She said, "There are lots!" I wonder what she was talking about. Houses? Ships?マンションの出た所で、ナノカが階段に座ろう、と誘ってきた。一緒に座って眺めていると、「いっぱい、いっぱい、あるね〜」と言う。主語がないので、なんだか、わからない。「何?おうち?」と聞くと、
She said, "Clouds" I did not watch the clouds at all. 「くも!」全然、見てなかった。同じもの見ても、感じる事、違うんだねえ。
This is the view from there.こんな風景です。
自分の気持ちを、口に出せるようになると、何考えているのか、わかるので、びっくりすることも、しばしば。こんな、おもしろい生き物がいたんだ!て感じだ。自分の娘なので、感性も同じかと言うと、同じものを見ても、感じる事は違うようで、「ああ、違う人格なんだなあ〜」と、しみじみ思う。 日常の細々とした事象について、いろいろ、教えてもらうと、自分の心が固まりかけていたのを感じる。
Nanoka is very good speaker at her age. It might be because husband and I am talkative. Recently she spoke longer sentences. She can quote, she can use metaphor, and she can use conjugation of verbs. She does not make much mistakes the use of language once she started to use. The kids ability of leaning language is just so amazing.
Once she start to express what she thinks, we can see what is inside of her. I felt to discover a new funny creature. She is my daughter, but she is different individual I noticed by seeing her different point of view to see same things. She teaches me a lot.

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