
second day 2日目

On the second day, I went to pick up Nanoka and found her crying in the room. Teacher told me that Nanoka was playing OK during my absence and even she played to copy her doing flattening the ground with scoop.慣らし保育2日目,迎えに行くと、ナノカが泣いていた。しかし、先生によると、預かり中、ナノカは一人で遊べるようになって、先生がトンボを引いているののマネをして、スコップで地面をならしていたらしい。私のいない所で、ちゃんと時間を過ごしてるなんて、信じられない。すごいなあ。
When we left the school, I tried to let Nanoka wear the shoes. She shake her head and denied my touch saying, "Nano"さて、帰りましょう。玄関に行って、靴を履かせようとすると、「ナノ!」と言って首を振る。どうやら、自分で履きたいらしい。
She could not do well to wear the shoes but anyway she did not want my help. Teacher said that other kids wore by themselves and Nanoka might have watched them during the day. とはいえ、靴はまだ手伝いなしでは、上手に履けない。逆に履いたり、マジックテープを中に折り込んでしまったり、、、かんしゃくを起こしかけるナノカに、おそるおそる手伝ってなんとか、履かせた。「他の子が自分で履いてるので、履きたくなったんだと思いますよ」と先生。
When we had lunch together, Nanoka refused to use spoon and fork and pointed chopsticks. Really? When I handed them to her, she tried to eat with them. Yes, actually at the nursery school some kids were using chopsticks to eat. She got so motivated there.さらに、その後、昼ご飯を食べていると、スプーンとフォークを放り投げ、箸を指さす。仕方なく、渡すと、必死の形相で、箸で食べ始めた。そういえば、保育園で箸で食べている子が数人いたっけ。黙って見てるだけかと思ったけど、結構、触発されて帰ってきてるようだねえ、、、
On the second day, Nanoka played outside and smiled sometimes. I was relieved to hear that. At the same time, she got so motivated to do everything by herself. She quietly watched other kids doing and she felt she could do the same. After coming back home, she tried. I appreciated her motivation but at the same time I felt a little worried about her "too strong motivation" when she got mad by she failed. Well, what is going to happen next?

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