
Blue Sunday Evening サザエさんシンドローム

We did not watch any TV program on Sunday so there was no sign to feel the end of the weekend, but some elements could affect Nanoka,,, 我が家はサザエさんを見てないので(他の番組も見てないので)、それを見て「ああ、明日から1週間が始まる。イヤだなあ」とはならないはずなのだが、何かの雰囲気から、ナノカは察知したのか、
She was so strange that she never let me leave her in the bed. I even had difficult time to go to the toilet. I do not think she knew the meaning of the weekday.日曜日の寝付きは、おそろしく悪く、少しでも私が離れると、飛び起きて泣き、一晩中、おっぱいを飲み続けた。どうしちゃったのよ、、、
On Monday at the school, she was not happy. Teacher told me that she would be more difficult after she got to know the meaning of the school. 保育園でも、始終不安なようで、ご飯もほとんど口にしなかったらしい。「訳がわかってきたようで、これからの方が、ちょっと難しい時期かもしれません」と。
After the school, she never leave me and very sensitive. I was so tired,,,その言葉通り、帰ってきてから、ずーっとくっついて、離れません。なんにもできない、、、
There is the word, "Sazae-san syndrome" that people feel blue to watch TV program called Sazae-san on Sunday evening that remind them the end of the weekend. We did not watch TV on Sunday and there was no specific sign for Nanoka to notice the end of weekend, but she became very sensitive this Sunday evening. She noticed the relationship between weekday and her school already? Anyway, she became very difficult to treat this week and I felt so tired after the day and more tiring than before going to the school. It is still on the way and we need to take time.

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