
Park Poet ポエマー イン イノガシラ

One day I hit on these two people's conversation in the Park.

These men were poet who are selling "words".For example, "everything is in your hands""You are sunshine". They sometimes took the special order. Anyway, it was poplar several years ago and I was believing they disappeared now. But I found two poet still selling words in the park in my neighbor.

I was wondering who would buy the "words", but actually my job is also selling words in some way. Then I suddenly feel deep sympathy with them. 

If I could not make it in Tokyo at the end, should I try this? Then I was thinking what is the words I am going to sell...
東京で芽が出ず、食うに困ったら、やってみようかなあー。で、その時はどんな言葉を売ろうか考えてみたりした。「かたつむりの つもり? だんまりさん」「最近は オバケも サービス残業。せちがらし」「じびきあみで、根こそぎとっても、食べられるの一匹」我ながら、売れそうだ。

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