
Last day of the Holiday お正月最終日

一人で、タイヤのはしごも登り、Now she could climb three tires by herself,
高いはしごも、なんのその。and she was not afraid of the high rudder.
長いローラー滑り台は、同伴拒否。一人で滑りたいんだそうです。にしても、うしろにうず潮。絶景です。she enjoyed slider by herself. We had a great view of the ocean.
そして、名物、そり滑り。とうとう一人で、滑る事に成功(一度目は、相方が、だまして、乗せたのだけど)。こわがりで、なかなか新しい事に踏み出せないナノカが、滑っていく様子は、じーんときた。恐れや、緊張、いろんなものを克服して、1個ずつ、世界を拡げて行くんだろうね(もちろん、そりに乗れなくても、人生は生きていけるんだけどね)。On the last day of the holiday, we went to the Saikaibashi Park. There were good play equipments and great place for kids to spend a day. Cleaning up, Shrine visit, Sale, and hot spring. We brought where we wanted through the holiday. She was generally happy to be with us, but it was not "kids friendly day" So I really made her day on the last day. 
At the grass slide, she finally rode the slide by herself. It was good surprise of us. I felt her grown up and moved.
ちびっこ広場には、砂場にこんなステキな、おうちが。There was a nice house at the sand area.
家の主になり、ままごとに熱中。Of course she devoted herself being mom cooking for the host.
Touching the sand has good influence to the kids mental. Even adults got calm down by gardening or so, so it must be. She played with sand every day in the school, but not at home since we lived in a building. On this day, she never left the sand place once she started.
For a few hours we spent, and we were so tired. But Nanoka got satisfied so much and kept being in a good mode for rest of the day. The parents are busy minding their business all the time, and tried to ask small kids to follow them, but actually even they are small, still they are a part of family. They have right to do what they want sometime. I feel I should respect "What she wants to do" rather than "What I think she had better to do"

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