
First Love? はつ恋?

帰り道、バスでナノカが突然、「ナノカ、Nくんが、だーいすきって、いったよ」と、うれしそうに報告してきた。なぬ?男の子?まさか、好きな子?One day, Nanoka told me that she said "I love you" to N-kun. The boy's name? First love?
その事を、さりげなく連絡帳に書いた所、担任の先生から、「ナノカちゃん、Nくん、好きですよね」と即答。周知に知れ渡った事実らしい。そんなに、あからさまな態度を取ってるのか、、、I wrote it on the notebook and teacher said, "Yes, we knew it!" Is she acting so obvious?
次の日、別の先生が「昨日、ちょっと、ふざけて、Nくんを、かわいがりながら、「先生、Nくん好き好き〜」て、やったんですけどね、、、」Another day, another teacher came to me and told me,"yesterday I hugged N-kun in front of Nanoka-chan and said,"My sweet sweet N-kun""
「そうしたら、ぷーっとふくれて、『ナノカの、ネオくんだもん!』と言ってましたよ。女子ですね!」と笑って、教えてくれた。なんとも、積極的な、肉食女子ぶり。誰に、似たんだ?"then Nanoka-chan got mad to say, "Nanoka's N-kun!" She is already a girl!" Oh, well,,,very proactive. Who she resemble for?
Girls grow faster, they say. But two and half was too early for first love, I thought and did not expect it happened. It is very famous in the school that Nanoka loved this boy. On the other night, Nanoka told me sadly "Nanoka likes Neo-kun, but he hit me" It happened a lot that kids made some trouble through the play and most of the case I did not care since it was good lesson for them to learn how to deal with communication, trouble and friendship, but I cared because she might follow him too much and he felt irritated.
I met the boy last Saturday at their school recital. He was cute. Nanoka likes good looking guy. He also called Nanoka and waved to her, so I felt relieved that they were good friends,,,well, I am silly mom to check how the daughter's love going?

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