
Hide and Seek かくれんぼ

Nanoka widen her knowledge where I do not know. It was probably from the school.She started to do the game in a group such as "hide and seek""play tag" She tried to play with other kids when she's playing house. I feel happy to see her sharing the things saying "together!" However sometimes "come on" "Let's play togher" "Here, it's yours" can be pushy judging from her attitude when she said them to me. I worried if she bothered other kids,,,
Recently, she said, "Come on" "Let's play together""I want to do hide and seek" All words are what she learned at the school. Wow, she already could do hide and seek?「おいで」「いっしょ、あそぼ」「かくれんぼ、したい」と言う。全部、保育園で覚えてきた言葉だ。へえ!かくれんぼなんて、もう、できるのか。
I said OK and started to count with my eyes closed, but she did the same. After counting ten I asked "Ready?" and she said, "Ready?" then she said, "Again" What's fun of this? Anyway, she enjoyed doing this often.「いいよ」と答えて、数え始めると、一緒になって、目をつぶって、数え始めた。そして、「もういいかい?」と言うと、「もういいかい?」と同じ事を言う。一緒に、まあだだよ、もういいかい、をくり返したあげく、「もう1回!」これを?どうやら、「かくれんぼ」がしたいのではなく、「かくれんぼ」という手遊びがしたいようだ。
She did not walk and kept standing on way home. Yesterday she said "I want to do hide and seek" and I thought it would make her move little by little by doing that, then I tried to hide 保育園の帰り道は、なかなか歩いてくれない。昨日は、「かくれんぼ、したい」と言うので、隠れながら帰ったら、少しは進むかと思って、「いいよ」と言って、隠れようとすると、、、
but she followed me to hide at the same place. Then who was going to seek us? She did not understand the rule at all, but she liked "Hide and Seek" 一緒に、建物の影に隠れてしまった。で、誰が、探しにくるのかな?全然、ルール、わかってないけど、楽しいみたいです。

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