Now Nano is 5 month old.
She shows huge interests in real food.
She has big appetite since new born. In the main stream of baby care, doctor and dietitian says that we can start baby food around 5 month old. Some books said that in 2-3 months baby can start having juice and soup. But in other books, they said that we should wait until at least 6 month if baby has the possibilities to have allergy. I and my family have allergy to some foods. My husband's brother had Asthma when he was a kid. So I would like to be too careful about that. So even Nano is so excited about food, I am trying not to start baby food. It is getting difficult. Should I give her food?
In the parent's house, when we had dinner at the table, Nano was curios what we were doing. 実家で食事をする度、ナノは「食事」に非常に興味があるらしく、 |
At the first week, she just stared at our eating craving. 最初の頃は、じーっと見て、よだれを垂らしていたが、 |
Gradually she increase her passion to food and now she tried to jump to food screaming. We had no peace during dinner time any more. この頃は、雄叫びをあげながら、飛びついてくるようになった。もはや、静かな夕餉は不可能となった。 |
I pour boiled water into the bowl and gave to her with spoon. She was happy to eat it and so far she was fooled that she got what we ate. I am afraid that she would soon notice that was different from real food. 仕方なく、ごまかそうと、湯冷ましをお椀に入れて、スプーンであげた所、喜々として、スプーンにかぶりつき、飲んでいた。とりあえずは、ごまかせたようだ。が、すぐに、「なんか、ちがーう」と気づくのだろうなあ、と、びくびくしている。 |
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