
First Drawing はじめてのおえかき

 An article said that parents wore unseen glasses through which they could see their babies were special and sometimes genius. These glasses were necessary for the parents to raise the baby, but they should keep it mind not to go too far. When I read that article I was younger and single, so I thought, it would not happen to me. But now I sometimes feels that Nano was special and genius (half joke, I know that I am silly mom). I guess that it was caused by the existence of babies who hadn't done nothing when they were born, but kept growing to gain so much abilities in a short time day by day. Their grow moves us so much.
I needed to work 1 month after delivery. Nano was not always sleeping or quiet. ナノが生後1ヶ月頃から、私は徐々に仕事をしていたため、たびたび、スケッチをしなければならず、

Then I hold her on my knee and drew the sketches. As long as being held, Nano was quiet. どうしてもタイミングが合わない時は、ひざに抱いて、絵を描いていた。

A few days ago, Nano was a little bored when I was drawing, so I just tried to let her hold the pen, 先日、ひざに抱いていると、退屈してぶーぶー言い出したので、試しにペンを握らせてみた所、

and I noticed that she could hold pen well and draw the line! I did not teach her, but maybe she was watching what I was doing. I was so moved! なんと上手に握って、線を引き出した。何も教えてないのに、どうやら、見ておぼえたようだ。なんか感激!

This is her first drawing. I named it "passion".  Is she Avant-garde artist? これがナノのはじめてのおえかきです。タイトルは「情熱」。 前衛的でしょう?

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