
Mummy works はたらくママ

For this two weeks I have been staying at my parent's house to finish book illustration job. It was first big project after delivery. It meant this was the first work I have to finish with Nano. It was impossible to paint 12 pages beside Nano and I could not find any nursery service, so I decided to ask my parents to take care of Nano during my job. I did not notice, but I had never been away from Nano more than 1hour before this. During first few days, my parents had difficulty but gradually Nano got used to them and stopped crying and staying happy with them. I finished most part of project.
On first day of painting, I asked my Dad to take care of Nano and went to working place 仕事にとりかかるので、父にナノを預けて、仕事部屋にこもったら、

After an hour, my Dad brought crying Nano to me. She was nervous seeking for me. So Nano and Grandpa were staying behind me watching my working. 1時間もすると、べそべそ泣くナノを連れて、父がやって来た。どうやら、ずっとこの調子だったようだ。結局、作業する私の後ろで、見てもらう事にした。

In a few days, Nano gradually got uesd to be with Grandpa and Grandma, then they rarely brought her to me. "Nano now knows I am friend" my Dad said. 何日かその調子だったが、次第に慣れていき、1週間経った頃には、じじ、ばば、を「面倒を見てくれる人」と認識したようで、運ばれてくる事もまれになった。父曰く、「ナノちゃん、じじが友達だって、わかったんだよな〜」だそうだ。

Moreover, Nano showed big smile when she saw me after work. I am still special to her after few hour absence. Compared with the time when we were at our apt ( I was trying to work and Nano needed my attention. So Nano cried and I ignored it to work. It was chaos) , I recognised huge happiness as a mother of her. その上、作業を終えて、ナノに会いに行くと、「ママだ!」という感じで、うれしそうに笑ってくれる。一対一で家で見ていながら、仕事をしようとして、ナノは「遊んでよ!」私は「仕事しなきゃいけないんだってば」みたいな感じで、若干荒れ気味だったのに比べると、なんという違いだろう。仕事してみて、より、ナノがいて本当に幸せだなあ、と感じられた。

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