
words ことば

An American friend said to me, "Haven't you kiss your parents? I cannot believe it! How can you show your love without it?" American families always hug, kiss each other and they did not understand Japanese way.

On the other day, we talked about our parents generations and guessed that they rarely said "I love you" or "I feel affection for you." But they were brought up under different time and they hadn't heard or said those words, so the words were meaningless for them.

There is the famous example to tell the difficulty of the translation. Ringo, Japanese apple, is different from apples in English. Ringo is bigger as a result of tender agricultural effort and apple is wild and smaller.

In Japanese literature, Ringo appears as "mother peeled it and put into the glass bowl with forks,

In American literature, apples appear "he puts some apples into pocket and walk them walking the street." The image is a little different when we heard the same fruit name.

アメリカ人の老夫婦が、いとも簡単に「I love you honey」と言っているように、日本のその世代の老夫婦が「愛してるよ」と言うかと言えば、「愛してる」という言葉自体、自分の感情を表す言葉として、ボキャブラリーにないので、まず、言わないだろう。言ったとしても、同じようには扱えないというか、、、
As American old couple said each other almost everyday, "I love you honey" but Japanese same generation couples never did same. "I love you" is not in their vocabulary to show their affection. But we cannot say that Japanese old couples don't love each other, or they do not tell each other.

大事なのは、「愛されてるんだなあ」と相手に伝わる事。そういう意味で、うちの祖父は、祖母にちゃんと大事な気持ちを言葉にして、伝えていた。それは、もう晩年の事だったそうだが、ある日寝る時に、「なあ、ばあさん。わし達は、本当に幸せな夫婦だな。子供達もみな、きちんと育ってくれてな。」と言ったのだそうだ。「わし達は、幸せな夫婦だな」と、お互いしわよった時に、改めて相手に言えるのは、「I love you」に匹敵すると思う。言葉は、言った、言わない、が大事なのではなく、当たり前だけど、どれだけの関係や文化が後ろにあるか、なんだなあと思う。
The important thing is to let the partner know "I am loved." My grandfather, one nigh in the latter part of his life, said to my grandmother, "we are the most happiest couple. Kids are all grown up nicely." When becoming older, if they could say that they were happiest, it means that they love each other. It is not important which words are said. It is always culture and relationship behind the words choice.

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